Showing posts with label Scrum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scrum. Show all posts

Sunday, 5 July 2020

Agile Practices

Pair Programming

Pair Programming is one of agile development techniques in which two programmers work together on the same task at one computer. One programmer is known as driver whose responsibility is to code the software program, and other one is called a navigator whose is responsible for brainstorming such as thinking about overall structure of the software code and looking for errors in the code

Small Releases

Small releases is an Agile technique in which product development is divided into iterations, where each iteration is of one to four weeks. The customer can evaluate the small releases and give his/her feedback and recommends changes if required.

Small Releases Principle

As Small releases are entirely based on rapid product delievery, relies on teamwork, strong team & customer communicatoon, and responding to change, which are core components of Agile

Small Releases Advantage

The customer can evaluate the small releases and give his/her feedback and recommends changes if required.

Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration (CI) is an Agile Practice that deals with the building (coding), compiling (integrating all the computer programs) and testing of the software multiple times a day.

CI Advantages

CI helps the software organizations to focus more on small and frequent releases to enhance team productivity and software quality


Scrum is one of the most widely used Agile practices especially in object-oriented circles that stresses on project management concepts

Scrum Phases

Scrum consists of three phases such as pre-sprint, sprint and post-sprint planning. In Pre-sprint planning phase, all work to be done is kept in the release backlog. The prioritized tasks, features, and functionalities are selected from the release backlog and included in the sprint backlog. In sprint phase, sprint backlog is handed to teams and team members choose the tasks and start development

Scrum Advantages

There are certain pros Scrum.  Scrum is quick and adapt changes quickly to achieve quality product The customer satisfaction in Scrum is high as daily scrum meeting is held in which customer, team and Scrum master participates to discuss the project progress In Scrum, scope and work estimation is easy, and ideal for accumulating requirements and rapidly changes.

Scrum Disadvantages

The weakness of Scrum includes external client will have to be available in scrum meetings and at the time of testing deliverables