The C10K problem is the problem related to optimization of network sockets
when it comes to the handling a plethora of clients on a server at the same
time .The concept of C10K was introduced by Dan Kegel
in 1999 . C10K stands for “handling ten thousand clients
on a Gigabit Ethernet connection at the same time”.For efficient output, it is very important that
connections should be scheduled in efficient manner. So too be very precise,
C10K problem deciphers server’s inadequacy of scaling 10,000 clients due to
resource debilitation. Servers usually follow thread per client model. Servers
get befuddled when pooled threads take gigantic time on blocking the
operations. Operating system normally allocates 1MB for implementation of
native threads. As a result, scalability can easily be affected by depleting
server’s CPU with too much context switching
Techniques for CK10 Problem
are certain techniques to handle C10K problem which are as follow.
- Event driven Input
- Scaling Node technique
- Server default configuration technique
dealing with event driven I/O, server usually works in single threaded mechanism. For listening new
events, we generate single event loop. This loop handles the data in and data
out mechanism in well apt manner. This approach really helps to cater concurrent
connections running on server. In Linux systems, it is dependent on epoll ()
which is the mechanism for event notification.The main
responsibility of epoll () is to keep tracking the multiple file descriptors to
analyze any possibility of I/O . Single threaded
solution is easy to code because in multiple threads, we usually come across
the issues like race conditions. Event driven approach is of significant
importance in reducing the CPU’s usage of used applications. This really helps
the modern hardware to achieve more energy, and torridity saving. All these
aspects really help to counter C10K issue. Nginx web/proxy server is the
prominent example of event driven mechanism, and it is much easier as compare
to web servers such as Apache. The Nginx is well
known for stability, low resource consumption, and for high performance . In modern era, libAttachedSQL
is also following the event driven I/O but are doing at client side. This
really helps the client applications to handle many clients on single thread in
well apt manner
The Scalability means the
capability of the request to achieve the performance related goals under
intense load . The C10K problem provides the path to achieve the
key design goal as far as designing the modern applications are concern like
Nodes. Nodes are basically designed to implement the scalable applications that
helps to cater the CK10 problem. So, here main motif is to create toolkit from
these nodes connected through standard protocols. 10MB memory is allocated to
each new node .There are two major scaling which are as

Horizontal scaling
basically reciprocates to the load by incrementing or decrementing the network
Vertical scaling deals
with the increasing the single server’s capability of handling
mammoth load such as storage space etc. The scalable node technique is actually the
utilization of both horizontal, and vertical scaling techniques either in
batch, or individually. TheYouTube, scalable
application that deals with billions of request by using MYSQL, Apache, and
Python programming language. Facebook is also highly scalable application that
deals with millions of requests at the same time
Server Default Configuration Technique
In modern era, tools
like Nginx, Python; MySQL, Apache, and PHP have phenomenal job in deal with
large number of clients at a same time. So there is no need to redesign the
intrinsic nature of all these applications to handle the large traffic in well
apt manner. All required is to combine all these tools, and configure the
servers by default mode to produce even more effective results as far as
dealing with C10K problem is concern. Every web application constitutes of two
parts. Static, and dynamic part. Key role of dynamic part is to deliver the
pages in assembled manner, and represent that in the form of content.The static portion constitutes of serving
files. Both these parts are independent from each other. It is important to
note that dynamic portion takes more CPU cycles. Nginx suits to deliver static
files, and platform like WordPress deals the dynamic part in efficient manner.
The WordPress plugin can
be used for editing the images. The server in the backend always resizes the images
into small ones that is appropriate enough to be appealing. Non-technical user
uploads a picture into the website through mobile phone generally have no idea
images of range 2-6MB are usually burden for servers. The WordPress plugin, by default,
resizes the image into kilobytes with high quality. If user wants to
resize 6MB file then he/she will have to accommodate the settings to do this
job. This is where default mode ameliorates for quality performance.
The WordPress makes
gigantic decisions for the user on just one click install. To achieve desired
results, we opt for best database, web server; Operating System, but still we
can’t configure in apt manner to deal with C10K. This is why it is very high
time to have opinionated, and stalwart defaults. If the servers are on by
default then it will make sure of most of the RAM, and CPU. This will really
facilitate the casual user to enjoy the technology. Moreover, it will adhere
the C10K issue in more phenomenal manner. So all require is to make all these
configurations the default to cater C10K issue in more compact manner